Work Productivity Prompts

Automating repetitive tasks


  1. “Please create a workflow that automates our process for [task]. Include any necessary integrations with our existing software tools and platforms.”
  2. “Using our company’s data on past projects, develop an algorithm that predicts how long [task] will take and assigns it to the appropriate team member.”
  3. “Please set up a system that automatically sends follow-up emails to clients who have not responded to our initial outreach after a certain period of time.”
  4. “Please create a chatbot for our website that can answer frequently asked questions from customers. Make sure the chatbot is intuitive and able to handle complex queries.”
  5. “Using our company’s data on past projects, create a template for [task] that can be easily adapted for each new project. Include any necessary automation tools and instructions.”

Enhancing content creation


  1. “Please generate a list of at least 10 potential headlines for our upcoming blog post on [topic]. Include keywords and phrases that will grab our target audience’s attention, and emphasize the benefits of reading the post.”
  2. “Using our company’s branding guidelines, create a social media graphic for our new [product/service]. Make sure the graphic is eye-catching and highlights our unique value proposition.”
  3. “Please write a short-form piece of content (such as a tweet or Instagram caption) that promotes our upcoming [event/webinar/product launch]. Make sure to include a clear call-to-action.”
  4. “Using data from our website analytics, suggest three blog post topics that will likely generate high traffic and engagement. Include keyword research and any relevant industry trends.”
  5. “Please generate a list of at least 5 potential video script ideas for a new marketing campaign. Each script should be tailored to a different segment of our target audience and include a clear call-to-action.”

Streamlining client communication


  1. “Please create a standardized email template for our client onboarding process. Make sure the template includes all necessary information and is easy to customize for each new client.”
  2. “Using our company’s data on past client communications, develop a system for categorizing emails based on their urgency and importance. Set up automated reminders for any emails that have not been addressed after a certain period of time.”
  3. “Please develop a chatbot for our website that can answer common client questions and provide updates on project progress. Make sure the chatbot is easy to use and provides accurate information.”
  4. “Please create a system for scheduling client meetings that automatically syncs with our team’s calendars. Include options for virtual meetings and in-person meetings.”
  5. “Using our company’s data on past projects, develop a template for client progress reports that is easy to customize and provides all necessary information. Automate the report generation process if possible.”

Improving social media management


  1. “Please develop a social media content calendar for the next month that includes at least 20 posts across all of our social media platforms. Make sure the posts align with our overall marketing strategy.”
  2. “Using data from our social media analytics, suggest three areas for improvement in our social media strategy. Include recommendations for new platforms to explore or ways to improve engagement.”
  3. “Please create a system for monitoring social media mentions of our brand and products/services. Include options for responding to positive and negative mentions.”
  4. “Please develop a list of at least 10 potential social media influencers to partner with for our upcoming marketing campaign. Include recommendations for how to reach out to each influencer.”
  5. “Using our company’s data on past social media campaigns, suggest improvements for our ad targeting and budget allocation. Include any necessary changes to our ad copy or creative.”

Enhancing customer service:


  1. Please provide a customer service script for handling customer complaints related to [product/service].
  2. Can you provide a list of frequently asked questions and their answers for our customer service team to use?
  3. How can we improve our customer service response time without sacrificing quality?
  4. What would be the best approach to train our customer service team to deal with difficult customers?
  5. Can you create a chatbot that can help customers troubleshoot common issues with our product/service?

Improving video production:


  1. Please provide a script for a video ad that showcases the benefits of our [product/service] to our target audience.
  2. Can you provide a list of potential video production companies for us to partner with for our upcoming campaign?
  3. How can we optimize our video production process to reduce costs and increase output?
  4. Can you create a storyboard for a video series that explains how to use our product/service to potential customers?
  5. How can we incorporate user-generated content into our video production strategy?

Enhancing project management:


  1. Can you recommend a project management tool that would be suitable for our team’s needs?
  2. Please provide a template for a project management plan for our upcoming project.
  3. How can we ensure effective collaboration among team members in a remote work environment?
  4. Can you suggest ways to streamline our project management process to reduce bottlenecks?
  5. How can we track and measure the success of our projects more effectively?

Enhancing influencer discovery:


  1. Can you provide a list of potential influencers that align with our brand values and target audience?
  2. How can we identify micro-influencers that would be a good fit for our brand?
  3. Can you create a database of influencers that we have already worked with, including their engagement and conversion rates?
  4. What would be the best approach to reach out to potential influencers for collaboration?
  5. How can we measure the ROI of our influencer marketing campaigns?

Automating social media scheduling:

  1. Can you recommend a social media scheduling tool that would be suitable for our team’s needs?
  2. Please provide a social media content calendar for the next month, including the best times to post on each platform.
  3. How can we ensure that our social media content is diverse and engaging for our target audience?
  4. Can you suggest ways to automate our social media posting process to reduce manual work?
  5. What would be the best approach to measure the success of our social media campaigns?

Enhancing event planning:


  1. Can you provide a checklist for event planning, including all necessary steps and deadlines?
  2. How can we find the best venues for our upcoming events?
  3. Can you suggest ways to improve attendee engagement and satisfaction at our events?
  4. What would be the best approach to promote our events to potential attendees?
  5. How can we measure the ROI of our events?

Enhancing crisis management:


  1. Please provide a crisis management plan for our company, including communication protocols and steps to take in the event of a crisis.
  2. How can we effectively handle negative online reviews or social media posts about our company or products?
  3. Can you suggest ways to prepare our team for potential crises, including training and simulations?
  4. What would be the best approach to communicate with stakeholders during a crisis, including customers, employees, and investors?
  5. How can we measure the success of our crisis management strategy?

50 productivity prompts that an agency owner could ask ChatGPT using the GPT-4 model:

  1. Using data from our customer database, please generate a list of potential upsell opportunities for our sales team.
  2. Please generate a list of potential partnership opportunities for our business based on our target market and industry.
  3. Please suggest ways we can reduce our overhead costs without impacting our services or quality.
  4. Based on industry trends, please suggest new services we could offer to our clients.
  5. Please generate a list of potential guest blog post topics for our content marketing strategy.
  6. Using customer feedback data, please generate a list of potential product or service improvements we can make.
  7. Please suggest ways we can improve our employee retention rates.
  8. Please suggest strategies to increase our client retention rates.
  9. Please generate a list of potential target markets for our services based on market research and industry trends.
  10. Based on our company values, please suggest ways we can improve our social responsibility efforts.
  11. Please suggest ways we can improve our online reputation management.
  12. Based on our past projects, please generate a list of potential portfolio items to showcase our work to potential clients.
  13. Please suggest ways we can improve our email open rates and click-through rates.
  14. Please generate a list of potential blog post topics for our content marketing strategy.
  15. Please suggest ways we can improve our client onboarding process.
  16. Based on industry trends, please suggest ways we can improve our video production services.
  17. Please suggest ways we can improve our project management processes.
  18. Please generate a list of potential marketing channels we can use to reach our target market.
  19. Based on our website analytics data, please suggest ways we can improve our website’s conversion rate.
  20. Please suggest ways we can improve our company culture and employee satisfaction.
  21. Please generate a list of potential lead generation strategies for our business.
  22. Based on our target market, please suggest ways we can improve our website’s user experience.
  23. Please suggest ways we can improve our content distribution strategy.
  24. Please generate a list of potential webinar topics for our content marketing strategy.
  25. Please suggest ways we can improve our project scoping and budgeting processes.
  26. Please generate a list of potential social media influencer partnerships for our business.
  27. Based on industry trends, please suggest ways we can improve our podcast production services.
  28. Please suggest ways we can improve our client communication during projects.
  29. Please suggest ways we can improve our proposal writing process.
  30. Please generate a list of potential video script ideas for our video production services.
  31. Based on our target market, please suggest ways we can improve our social media advertising campaigns.
  32. Please suggest ways we can improve our website’s search engine rankings.
  33. Please generate a list of potential case study topics for our business.
  34. Please suggest ways we can improve our public speaking skills for events and presentations.
  35. Based on industry trends, please suggest ways we can improve our influencer marketing services.
  36. Please suggest ways we can improve our internal communication processes.
  37. Please generate a list of potential email newsletter topics for our email marketing campaigns.
  38. Based on our target market, please suggest ways we can improve our paid advertising campaigns.
  39. Please suggest ways we can improve our brand messaging and positioning.
  40. Please generate a list of potential e-book topics for our content marketing strategy.
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