Sales Prompts

Lead generation

  1. Find potential leads in the [industry] who are interested in [specific product/service] using information from [source(s)].
  2. Generate a list of [number] leads from [geographic location] who might be interested in [product/service] for [target customer segment].
  3. Identify potential leads for our [product/service] within the [job title] community by analyzing data from [source(s)].

CRM data entry

  1. Update CRM records for [contact list] with recent interactions, including [specific details] and any relevant notes.
  2. Automate data entry for [number] new contacts from [event/source] into our CRM system, including [specific fields] and any relevant notes.
  3. Import [file format] of customer data into our CRM, ensuring proper formatting and mapping of [fields] to our existing records.

Sales script generation

  1. Develop a sales script for [product/service] targeted at [customer segment] that addresses their common objections and focuses on [unique selling proposition].
  2. Create a conversation starter for a sales call with a [job title] at [company name] discussing our [product/service] and its relevance to their [industry].
  3. Write an elevator pitch for our [product/service] that succinctly communicates its value proposition to [target audience].

Meeting scheduling

  1. Schedule a [type of meeting] with [prospect name] for [date and time] to discuss [topic] and confirm their availability.
  2. Propose [number] meeting time options for a call with [client name] to discuss [specific issue] and send them a calendar invite.
  3. Arrange a [type of meeting] with [number] potential clients in the [geographic location] to discuss our [product/service] during [time period].

Market research

  1. Analyze trends in the [industry] to identify potential opportunities and challenges for our [product/service] over the next [time period].
  2. Investigate consumer preferences for [product/service category] in the [geographic location] by analyzing data from [source(s)].
  3. Identify the most significant factors influencing the growth of the [industry] and how they impact our [product/service].

Competitor analysis

  1. Compare our [product/service] to [competitor name]’s offerings, focusing on key differences in features, pricing, and overall value proposition.
  2. Evaluate [number] competitors in the [industry] and determine their market share, strengths, and weaknesses compared to our [product/service].
  3. Analyze [competitor name]’s marketing and sales strategies and identify opportunities for our [product/service].
  4. Assess the customer reviews and ratings of [competitor name]’s [product/service] to identify areas where our [product/service] can excel.
  5. Examine [competitor name]’s pricing strategy and promotional offers to determine how we can differentiate our [product/service] in the [market/industry].

Social media engagement

  1. Create a series of [number] engaging social media posts for our [product/service] targeting [customer segment] on [platform].
  2. Draft a response to a customer inquiry on [social media platform] about our [product/service], addressing their question and offering additional information.
  3. Develop a social media campaign for our [product/service] launch, including [number] posts for [platform(s)] that emphasize its unique features and benefits.

Sales training materials

  1. Develop a sales training module focused on improving [specific skill] for our sales team, including exercises, examples, and best practices.
  2. Create a comprehensive onboarding guide for new sales hires, covering our [product/service], sales process, and tools used by the team.
  3. Design a series of [number] sales training workshops on [topics] tailored to address the challenges faced by our sales team in [industry/market].

Objection handling

  1. Prepare a set of well-constructed responses to the top [number] objections our sales team encounters when selling our [product/service].
  2. Provide a rebuttal for a prospect who claims that our [product/service] is too expensive compared to [competitor name]’s offering.
  3. Offer a response to a potential client concerned about the implementation and integration process of our [software/service].

Call and email analytics

  1. Analyze [number] sales calls and emails to identify patterns in successful communication strategies and areas for improvement.
  2. Evaluate the performance of our [email campaign] by examining open rates, click-through rates, and conversion metrics to inform future strategies.
  3. Assess the impact of our recent [call script/update] on the success rate of our sales calls and provide suggestions for further optimization.

Sales forecasting

  1. Generate a sales forecast for the next [time period] based on historical data, market trends, and our current sales pipeline.
  2. Analyze the effects of [external factors] on our sales forecast and provide recommendations to mitigate potential risks or capitalize on opportunities.
  3. Develop a forecast model to predict the performance of our [new product/service] in the [target market] over the next [time period].

Content curation

  1. Curate a list of [number] relevant industry news articles, blog posts, and resources for our sales team to stay informed on [topic/industry].
  2. Compile a weekly digest of important updates, trends, and insights related to our [product/service] and its impact on the [industry/market].
  3. Identify [number] thought leaders and influencers in our [industry] whose content our sales team should follow for insights and inspiration.

Proposal and contract generation

  1. Draft a personalized proposal for [client name] outlining our [product/service] offering, pricing, and terms based on their specific needs.
  2. Develop a service-level agreement (SLA) for our [product/service] that outlines the scope, responsibilities, and performance expectations for [client name].
  3. Create a sales proposal template for our [product/service] that can be easily customized to address the unique requirements of different prospects.

Testimonial and case study creation

  1. Draft a compelling testimonial from a satisfied customer highlighting the impact of our [product/service] on their [business/operation].
  2. Write a case study detailing the success story of [client name] using our [product/service] to achieve [specific results or improvements].
  3. Gather [number] customer quotes and stories that demonstrate the value of our [product/service] for various industries and use cases.


  1. Identify [number] potential partners, collaborators, and influencers in our industry who we could engage with to expand our network.
  2. Recommend [number] industry events, conferences, or trade shows where our sales team can network with potential clients and partners.
  3. Develop a list of [number] online forums, groups, or communities where our sales team can engage with potential customers and influencers in our industry.

Performance analysis

  1. Analyze individual and team sales performance metrics, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and providing actionable insights for improvement.
  2. Assess the effectiveness of our current sales strategies and tactics by examining key performance indicators (KPIs) and trends.
  3. Compare the performance of our [product/service] sales across different regions or industries, identifying areas of opportunity and growth.

Customer profiling

  1. Create a detailed customer profile for our [product/service] by analyzing demographic, behavioral, and psychographic data from [source(s)].
  2. Identify the most valuable customer segments for our [product/service] based on their purchasing habits, preferences, and lifetime value.
  3. Develop a series of [number] buyer personas for our [product/service], including their motivations, pain points, and decision-making criteria.

Upselling and cross-selling

  1. Analyze the purchase history of our customers to identify opportunities for upselling or cross-selling our [product/service].
  2. Recommend [number] complementary products or services that we can offer to existing customers to enhance their experience and increase revenue.
  3. Develop a sales script for upselling [product/service] to [customer segment], focusing on the additional value and benefits it provides.

Personalized marketing materials

  1. Create a series of [number] personalized marketing materials for our [product/service], targeting different customer segments or industries.
  2. Develop a tailored email campaign for [customer segment] that highlights the unique benefits and features of our [product/service] relevant to their needs.
  3. Design a set of [number] industry-specific landing pages for our [product/service], showcasing its applications and success stories in each sector.

SWOT analysis

  1. Conduct a comprehensive SWOT analysis of our [product/service] in the [industry/market], identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  2. Evaluate the impact of our competitors’ strengths and weaknesses on our [product/service] positioning and sales strategy.
  3. Identify potential opportunities for our [product/service] based on emerging trends, market gaps, or customer needs in the [industry/market].

Email subject lines

  1. Write a series of [number] attention-grabbing email subject lines for our [product/service] campaign, aimed at [customer segment].
  2. Develop a set of [number] email subject lines for a follow-up campaign after our recent [event/promotion], targeting [customer segment].
  3. Craft [number] engaging email subject lines for a re-engagement campaign targeting customers who have not made a purchase in the last [time period].

Q&A preparation

  1. Prepare a comprehensive Q&A document addressing potential questions and concerns about our [product/service] for sales meetings and calls.
  2. Anticipate common objections or questions from [customer segment] about our [product/service] and develop well-informed responses.
  3. Create a set of [number] FAQs for our sales team to reference during calls and meetings, covering topics such as pricing, implementation, and support.

Referral programs

  1. Design an effective referral program for our [product/service] using incentives and rewards that appeal to our [customer segment].
  2. Develop a referral campaign that encourages existing customers to refer our [product/service] to their network, offering [reward/incentive] for successful referrals.
  3. Create a set of email templates and promotional materials to support the launch and ongoing promotion of our [product/service] referral program.

Customer segmentation

  1. Apply GPT-4’s data analysis capabilities to segment our customers based on their needs, preferences, and behaviors for targeted sales efforts.
  2. Identify [number] distinct customer segments within our [product/service] user base and develop targeted messaging for each group.
  3. Analyze customer data to uncover trends and correlations between specific segments and the success of our [product/service] to inform sales strategies.

Outreach personalization

  1. Generate personalized sales outreach messages for [customer segment] that highlight the specific benefits and features of our [product/service] relevant to their needs.
  2. Develop a series of [number] tailored follow-up messages for prospects who have shown interest in our [product/service], addressing their unique concerns or objections.
  3. Craft a set of [number] customized email templates for different stages of the sales funnel, focusing on the unique needs and interests of each prospect.

Meeting preparation

  1. Compile relevant background information on [prospect name] and their company to help sales reps prepare for an upcoming meeting.
  2. Research [client name]’s industry and competitors to inform sales reps of potential talking points and areas of opportunity for our [product/service].
  3. Create a list of [number] insightful questions for our sales reps to ask during a meeting with [prospect name], focusing on their needs and pain points.

Conversation starters

  1. Develop a series of [number] engaging conversation starters for sales reps to use at networking events, trade shows, or social gatherings related to our [industry].
  2. Craft [number] icebreaker questions to help sales reps initiate conversations with potential clients at [event type] in the [industry].
  3. Generate a list of [number] thought-provoking discussion topics that sales reps can use to engage with prospects and clients in [industry or niche].

Customer retention strategies

  1. Propose a series of [number] customer retention strategies for our [product/service], focusing on maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  2. Analyze customer churn data to identify patterns and develop targeted retention initiatives for at-risk [customer segment].
  3. Recommend [number] tactics to improve customer engagement and nurture relationships with existing clients for our [product/service].

Sales funnel optimization

  1. Evaluate our current sales funnel, identifying areas of improvement and providing actionable insights to increase conversion rates.
  2. Analyze the performance of various sales touchpoints and recommend strategies to enhance the overall effectiveness of our sales process.
  3. Develop a plan to reduce friction and improve the user experience at each stage of our sales funnel for [product/service].

Influencer outreach

  1. Identify [number] influencers in the [industry] who could potentially endorse or promote our [product/service] to their audience.
  2. Develop a personalized outreach message for [influencer name], explaining how our [product/service] aligns with their interests and values.
  3. Propose a collaboration or partnership opportunity with [influencer name], outlining the potential benefits and impact for both parties.

Sales territory planning

  1. Analyze our current sales territories and recommend adjustments to optimize coverage and resource allocation for our [product/service].
  2. Develop a strategic sales territory plan that takes into account market potential, competitor presence, and sales rep capabilities.
  3. Identify high-potential markets or regions for our [product/service] and propose a plan for expanding our sales efforts in those areas.

Price negotiation strategies

  1. Create a set of [number] price negotiation strategies for our sales reps to use when discussing our [product/service] with prospects.
  2. Develop a guide on how to handle common price objections and effectively communicate the value of our [product/service] during negotiations.
  3. Recommend tactics for negotiating bundled deals, discounts, or other pricing arrangements that maintain profitability while appealing to prospects.

Sales collateral design

  1. Design a visually appealing and informative brochure for our [product/service] that highlights its key features and benefits for [customer segment].
  2. Create a set of [number] professional-looking sales sheets or one-pagers for our [product/service], focusing on different use cases or industries.
  3. Develop a series of [number] visually engaging infographics that illustrate the value proposition and unique selling points of our [product/service].

Sales script optimization

  1. Analyze our current sales scripts and provide recommendations for improvements, focusing on structure, language, and persuasive techniques.
  2. Develop a set of [number] alternative sales script options for our [product/service], each tailored to a different customer segment or sales scenario.
  3. Create a guide on how to customize our sales scripts based on the specific needs, preferences, and objections of individual prospects.

Win-loss analysis

  1. Conduct a comprehensive win-loss analysis of our recent [product/service] sales, identifying trends, patterns, and areas for improvement.
  2. Analyze [number] successful sales to determine the factors that contributed to the positive outcomes and provide recommendations for replicating this success.
  3. Examine [number] lost sales opportunities and identify the reasons behind the losses, along with actionable insights to help our sales team overcome similar challenges in the future.
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