
Product Information

Paid plans start from $3.49/mo

AI-powered Regex generator & English translator.

AutoRegex Features

AutoRegex is a powerful AI-driven tool that simplifies Regular Expression (RegEx) creation using Natural Language Processing (NLP). Key features and advantages include:

  • English-to-RegEx translation: Easily create RegEx patterns without extensive knowledge of syntax
  • AI-powered: Leverage AI to translate between English and RegEx for complex patterns without manual coding
  • Flexible plans: Offers a range of plans to suit different user needs, along with Google or email account sign-in

Use cases for AutoRegex are ideal for various professionals:

  • Developers seeking to create RegEx patterns without mastering the syntax
  • Data analysts looking to extract specific data using RegEx patterns generated from natural language
  • Non-technical users who need to create RegEx patterns without diving into complex syntax

Overall, AutoRegex offers a user-friendly solution for creating RegEx patterns by translating English into RegEx using AI technology.

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